Choose Your Myndgard

Myndgard Basic: Our free service with simple feedback

Myndgard Plus: Our paid service with comprehensive feedback

Myndgard Pro: For Therapists and their clients working together

How does it work?

The Myndgard App on your Smart phone provides, with your permission, information about your activities, your location and your social interaction. This provides a model of your behaviour in everyday life.

Using our AL algorithms, we can assess your wellbeing. We will occasionally present Standard Clinical Questionnaires for you to provide direct feedback on your wellbeing.

Through these tools we provide you and / or your Therapist an assessment of your mental health to enable you to take action to improve it.

What are the benefits to the client?

As the Client (or Myndgard App User) you are provided with an ongoing assessment of your Mental Health and the probability of entering into Depression or Anxiousness. 

Sometimes it is easy to slip into periods of poor mental health unknowingly and it is useful to have an independent method to self monitor. The benefit is that you become aware of upcoming poor mental health and you can take actions to reduce or avoid such an occurrence.

What are the benefits to the therapist?

As a Therapist or Counsellor, working with your Clients, you are (with the Clients permission) provided with an assessment of their mental health during the next session.  As a result you can alter your therapeutic approach based on this feedback or inquire what is triggering any poor mental health episodes. 

Myndgard does not replace the Therapist but works as a tool that brings extra information to the Therapeutic process.  This can result in faster and more successful outcomes.  In addition, post therapy, Myndgard can be used a Relapse Detection Tool, as relapses are a frequent occurrence.

Choose Your Myndgard

Myndgard Basic

Our free service with simple feedback

Myndgard Plus

Our paid service with comprehensive feedback

Myndgard Pro

For Therapists and their clients working together

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